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Trump, Tariffs and a Tired World

Published: at 05:17 PM

“Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends, economics has made us partners and necessity has made us allies.” – JF Kennedy

I just watched Trudeau’s response to Trump’s new tariffs on Canada. There’s something deeply satisfying about watching someone respond to a bully. It’s something we can relate to in Denmark

But while Trudeau is out there defending Canada with actual leverage (they do have resources Americans need), we’re sitting here in Denmark wondering if we’re next on Trump’s “to-bully” list, unsure what leverage we have to respond proportionally.

It’s really exhausting to watch from the other side of the pond how one person’s ego can throw entire economies into chaos. Creating tsunamis that hit our shores. Forcing allies to defend themselves against friends. Cooperation traded for confrontation.

Watching Trudeau’s speech, I was reflecting how our prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, would respond. I think it would have a similar mix of “we won’t be pushed around” and “but we’d rather work together.” Like reasonable adults handling a toddler with nuclear codes. But while Canada is living it, we are still unsure if Denmark will have to respond. And if we do, I’m not sure Mette Frederiksen will be able to have the same angle

With this kind of situation it’s always interesting what happens in the periphery. One could easily imagine this might bring Canada and Denmark and other victims of Trump closer together. We’re both smaller countries (okay, Canada is huge and much prettier) dealing with a superpower that seems to have forgotten what “allies” means. Maybe it’s time we started looking more actively at what we can do together instead of looking south.

I don’t know where this is all heading. But watching Canada stand up to a bully is rejuvenating. I hope this has the intended impact and forces Trump to reconsider his approach.

Here’s hoping we don’t have to.

P.S. If you’re an American reading this - we’re not mad at you. We’re just really, really hoping you’ll remember that the world works better when we work together! Let your King know your feelings.

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